Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What kills more people: smoking, or bad eating habits(obesity) and a bad lifestyle(lack of excersise)?

Definitely, all three are contributory factors to an early death. We are what we eat. .

Whatever we put in our system.esp too much sugars and carbs without proper exercise to burn the excess carbs and thus fats; will eventually risk the person to Obesity.and heart disease. Even if we eat a lot, if we exercise,or eat the right kind of foods; there is no reason to become obese. Obesity would eventually lead to hypertension, strokes; heart disease ;diabetes.and or cancer.

Smoking compromises the lung capacity. and can also contribute to lung cancer. MOrtality rates for cancer and heart disease are high.

So, in the light of an inevitable choice; I guess.. obesity is the winner.
i would have to say obesity
I think having bad eating habits and not exercising is worse, because unlike smoking it can affect way more things than just your lungs: heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, ect.

What is your vision, like 20/20, 20/10, etc?

im like 20/40 in one eye, 20/55-60 in another, would this require glasses?
I am 20/40 with only 5 deg of central vision and absolutely no peripheral vision. I am legally blind, but heck that don't bother me. I say thank you to God every day because I can see something. My glass is half full.
20/400 corrected, you need glasses

What is your snack secret?

I am on a strict diet, but have chocolate cravings like mad!!

My mid afternoon snack secret is a Slim Fast candy bar. It has a lot of nutrition in it, and only 120 calories!! Plus, it tastes great and satisfies my chocolate craving!! Forget those skimpy 100 calorie packs!! For only 20 more calories I feel like I"m eating a Snickers bar! What is your indulgence?
cocoa pebbles with soy milk :)
Well Special K has a great line of cerals and protein drinks and delish gronola and snack bars plus meal bars for around 120 calories too..its great!鈾?

What is your reaction to this ?

if people have asked this question allready i apologize.

I just saw on yahoo homepage about a woman who was in the emergency room at the hospital when she collapsed on the floor.911 was called twice for someone to help,no one did.She laid there for 45 minutes on the hospital floor.She died.As she laid there people were walking all around her and a janitor was even cleaning the floor around her.What is going on in our country ?
that is ashame, people in this country have no hearts adn are so selfish
hell in a hand basket...capitalism at work.
I agree, people are definatly less willing to lend a hand nowerdays, speaking lightly, but in this case, that is appalling.
is cuz she was hispanic thats why...

u tell me wat other reason could of been ?

What is your opinion about Kavorkian? Do you support doctor assisted deaths or not?

I admire him for his courage, strength and determination. I do support doctor assisted deaths. I believe they are doing nothing wrong because the patient agreed to it, and they are administrating the drug themselves. Except in the case of a physical disability where they physically cannot perform the type of drug they are getting. Doctor assisted deaths are just making it painless. Why should someone have to suffer and die a painful and horrible death when they could die a painless, beautiful death with their family and friends among them. While some people might argue that if doctor assisted deaths were not available and people really wanted to kill themselves they would. But think. These people who are being helped to die, are sick. Some of them might be confined to a hospital bed, where they will be monitored. Some of them might be physically disabled such as Thomas Youk and they cannot do this. Some people might want to die a painless death instead of suffering. Some people might simply want to choose the death they get and not be handed it. As long as the patient is fully aware of what they are doing to themselves, understand what they are doing to themselves and consent to it, i fully support doctor assisted deaths.
If the patient is crazy enough to hire him I guess it's okay.
fuk that shyt if you really wanna die why are you gonna die by the hands of some nerdy friggin doctor I'd rather go out Scarface stylez or fighting friggin grizzly bear!! or choking on a pretzel. if it almost killed Bush then it must be a Honorable death
I respect doctor Kevorkian for his courage to stand up to the entire legal system,and try to change it,though i do not agree with the assisted suicide issue..
A person should not have to live the rest of their lives in a terminal condition of pain or agony or under heavy sedation, if they chose not to. Why should people be expected to suffer for what other people feel is moral?
I happen to agree with him, if your too sick do do anything at all, you can't even wipe your butt, why do you need to stay alive. The kids/ Gkids ain't gonna visit. My Mother was in a nursing home, None of my kids or relatives visited her, I could make it once a week

Your all alone, why continue a lonely miserable life
Doctor assisted deaths no, doctor assisted best choice for a death with dignity yes. Most doctors have a general problem with admitting they can't cure a patient, even if they are just old.

Hospice is a wonderful caring alternative to the megalomaniac that is Kevorkian.

Medically assisted deaths/euthanasia worked so well in Nazi Germany and it's working well in the Netherlands destroying the health care for anyone who is now deemed a candidate for assisted death.

I'm 55, if I contract pneumonia I want my doctor to treat it, not decided whether or not my quality of life will be less because of it when I recover. This is the problem people my age are facing in places where Dr Kevorkian's view is taking hold

Doctors should first do no harm. Treat the illness, care for the patient and make comfortable always validating the intrinsic value of every human being.
I am very happy he is out.
I don't think terminally ill patients who want to stop suffering should have to countine to live against their wishes.
IMO Jack Kevorkian is a GodSent.
If he asked me to assist him I would.
If there is no hope left I agree with assisted death.

We never let sick dying animals suffer do we!!
This is a question with no easy answer. On one hand, it may seem most kind to alleviate the suffering of someone who has a terminal or chronic, debilitating illness with no hope for cure. However, to try to imagine how the courts would lay out guidelines and ensure that all is carried out under stringent codes, rather boggles the mind. I am more apt to support palliative measures, such as very generous treatment with painkillers and sedatives to ease the transition.

As far as Kevorkian goes, from what I have read about his personal life, he has a strange and bizarre fascination with death, and, I believe, gets some sort of sick thrill watching people die. His walls are covered with paintings and pictures of death and dying. Creepy.

What is your favorite internal organ?

I'm debating between my heart and my brain.
I'm fond of my left kidney.
I happen to have problems with my stomach, so I should say that my favorite internal organ is my spleen.
Someone already chose spleen.
Gee, never thought about that one before! I don't know!
I think the brain rocks.
I like skin...it keeps the outsides out and it keeps the insides in...I like skin..black, brown, yellow or purple no matter what colour it's in..I like skin

edit: oops your question said internal.I'm sorry

so I guess for my internal organ I would have to say the liver..because it can make spots on your skin or turn your skin yellow or if you lose your liver it makes your skin rot away because you are dead. also the liver is so cool because it is the only organ other than the skin that can regenerate itself so you can cut out a piece and more will grow back.
I never thought about a favorite internal organ, but my least favorite is my spine, now that it has bolts.

What's your favorite
small instestine

What is your age, gender and rate your body image on a scale of 1-10 (1 being low body image, 10 being high)?

This is for a statistics project that I have to do for my math class. Im comparing age and gender to a person's body image, whether it be high or low. My hypothesis is that the younger a person is, the less self confidence they will have and therefore, a lower body image, due to how they are more influenced by the media and other influences and because they are still growing in to their bodies. Thanks for you help!!
Age - 21
Gender - female
Image - 6.5
Age: 20
Gender: F
Body Image: 8

Good Luck!
I am a 33 year old female, and I'd say my body image is about a 5 (but it might depend on the day you ask me.sometimes it's as low as a 3, and other days it could be about an 8).
26 Female 8.5
My age is somewhere 21 and 632 years of age, my gender is male, most of the time. I have no body image because I have no body. I am an electronic intelligence which resides in the ByeDr.com interface and projects a pseudo-physical avatar into the allegedly "real" world which everybody thinks is the real me. For some reason, I have chosen that projection to be a middle-aged fat guy in a dead-end job. Some times that projection is a motorcycle riding hang glider instructor, at other times the projection is a high voltage transformer. Hope this is useful for your project.
Well since you don't have a real answer from a male yet I thought I'd answer.

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Body Image: 7
vc .net