Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What kills more people: smoking, or bad eating habits(obesity) and a bad lifestyle(lack of excersise)?

Definitely, all three are contributory factors to an early death. We are what we eat. .

Whatever we put in our system.esp too much sugars and carbs without proper exercise to burn the excess carbs and thus fats; will eventually risk the person to Obesity.and heart disease. Even if we eat a lot, if we exercise,or eat the right kind of foods; there is no reason to become obese. Obesity would eventually lead to hypertension, strokes; heart disease ;diabetes.and or cancer.

Smoking compromises the lung capacity. and can also contribute to lung cancer. MOrtality rates for cancer and heart disease are high.

So, in the light of an inevitable choice; I guess.. obesity is the winner.
i would have to say obesity
I think having bad eating habits and not exercising is worse, because unlike smoking it can affect way more things than just your lungs: heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, ect.

What is your vision, like 20/20, 20/10, etc?

im like 20/40 in one eye, 20/55-60 in another, would this require glasses?
I am 20/40 with only 5 deg of central vision and absolutely no peripheral vision. I am legally blind, but heck that don't bother me. I say thank you to God every day because I can see something. My glass is half full.
20/400 corrected, you need glasses

What is your snack secret?

I am on a strict diet, but have chocolate cravings like mad!!

My mid afternoon snack secret is a Slim Fast candy bar. It has a lot of nutrition in it, and only 120 calories!! Plus, it tastes great and satisfies my chocolate craving!! Forget those skimpy 100 calorie packs!! For only 20 more calories I feel like I"m eating a Snickers bar! What is your indulgence?
cocoa pebbles with soy milk :)
Well Special K has a great line of cerals and protein drinks and delish gronola and snack bars plus meal bars for around 120 calories too..its great!鈾?

What is your reaction to this ?

if people have asked this question allready i apologize.

I just saw on yahoo homepage about a woman who was in the emergency room at the hospital when she collapsed on the floor.911 was called twice for someone to help,no one did.She laid there for 45 minutes on the hospital floor.She died.As she laid there people were walking all around her and a janitor was even cleaning the floor around her.What is going on in our country ?
that is ashame, people in this country have no hearts adn are so selfish
hell in a hand basket...capitalism at work.
I agree, people are definatly less willing to lend a hand nowerdays, speaking lightly, but in this case, that is appalling.
is cuz she was hispanic thats why...

u tell me wat other reason could of been ?

What is your opinion about Kavorkian? Do you support doctor assisted deaths or not?

I admire him for his courage, strength and determination. I do support doctor assisted deaths. I believe they are doing nothing wrong because the patient agreed to it, and they are administrating the drug themselves. Except in the case of a physical disability where they physically cannot perform the type of drug they are getting. Doctor assisted deaths are just making it painless. Why should someone have to suffer and die a painful and horrible death when they could die a painless, beautiful death with their family and friends among them. While some people might argue that if doctor assisted deaths were not available and people really wanted to kill themselves they would. But think. These people who are being helped to die, are sick. Some of them might be confined to a hospital bed, where they will be monitored. Some of them might be physically disabled such as Thomas Youk and they cannot do this. Some people might want to die a painless death instead of suffering. Some people might simply want to choose the death they get and not be handed it. As long as the patient is fully aware of what they are doing to themselves, understand what they are doing to themselves and consent to it, i fully support doctor assisted deaths.
If the patient is crazy enough to hire him I guess it's okay.
fuk that shyt if you really wanna die why are you gonna die by the hands of some nerdy friggin doctor I'd rather go out Scarface stylez or fighting friggin grizzly bear!! or choking on a pretzel. if it almost killed Bush then it must be a Honorable death
I respect doctor Kevorkian for his courage to stand up to the entire legal system,and try to change it,though i do not agree with the assisted suicide issue..
A person should not have to live the rest of their lives in a terminal condition of pain or agony or under heavy sedation, if they chose not to. Why should people be expected to suffer for what other people feel is moral?
I happen to agree with him, if your too sick do do anything at all, you can't even wipe your butt, why do you need to stay alive. The kids/ Gkids ain't gonna visit. My Mother was in a nursing home, None of my kids or relatives visited her, I could make it once a week

Your all alone, why continue a lonely miserable life
Doctor assisted deaths no, doctor assisted best choice for a death with dignity yes. Most doctors have a general problem with admitting they can't cure a patient, even if they are just old.

Hospice is a wonderful caring alternative to the megalomaniac that is Kevorkian.

Medically assisted deaths/euthanasia worked so well in Nazi Germany and it's working well in the Netherlands destroying the health care for anyone who is now deemed a candidate for assisted death.

I'm 55, if I contract pneumonia I want my doctor to treat it, not decided whether or not my quality of life will be less because of it when I recover. This is the problem people my age are facing in places where Dr Kevorkian's view is taking hold

Doctors should first do no harm. Treat the illness, care for the patient and make comfortable always validating the intrinsic value of every human being.
I am very happy he is out.
I don't think terminally ill patients who want to stop suffering should have to countine to live against their wishes.
IMO Jack Kevorkian is a GodSent.
If he asked me to assist him I would.
If there is no hope left I agree with assisted death.

We never let sick dying animals suffer do we!!
This is a question with no easy answer. On one hand, it may seem most kind to alleviate the suffering of someone who has a terminal or chronic, debilitating illness with no hope for cure. However, to try to imagine how the courts would lay out guidelines and ensure that all is carried out under stringent codes, rather boggles the mind. I am more apt to support palliative measures, such as very generous treatment with painkillers and sedatives to ease the transition.

As far as Kevorkian goes, from what I have read about his personal life, he has a strange and bizarre fascination with death, and, I believe, gets some sort of sick thrill watching people die. His walls are covered with paintings and pictures of death and dying. Creepy.

What is your favorite internal organ?

I'm debating between my heart and my brain.
I'm fond of my left kidney.
I happen to have problems with my stomach, so I should say that my favorite internal organ is my spleen.
Someone already chose spleen.
Gee, never thought about that one before! I don't know!
I think the brain rocks.
I like skin...it keeps the outsides out and it keeps the insides in...I like skin..black, brown, yellow or purple no matter what colour it's in..I like skin

edit: oops your question said internal.I'm sorry

so I guess for my internal organ I would have to say the liver..because it can make spots on your skin or turn your skin yellow or if you lose your liver it makes your skin rot away because you are dead. also the liver is so cool because it is the only organ other than the skin that can regenerate itself so you can cut out a piece and more will grow back.
I never thought about a favorite internal organ, but my least favorite is my spine, now that it has bolts.

What's your favorite
small instestine

What is your age, gender and rate your body image on a scale of 1-10 (1 being low body image, 10 being high)?

This is for a statistics project that I have to do for my math class. Im comparing age and gender to a person's body image, whether it be high or low. My hypothesis is that the younger a person is, the less self confidence they will have and therefore, a lower body image, due to how they are more influenced by the media and other influences and because they are still growing in to their bodies. Thanks for you help!!
Age - 21
Gender - female
Image - 6.5
Age: 20
Gender: F
Body Image: 8

Good Luck!
I am a 33 year old female, and I'd say my body image is about a 5 (but it might depend on the day you ask me.sometimes it's as low as a 3, and other days it could be about an 8).
26 Female 8.5
My age is somewhere 21 and 632 years of age, my gender is male, most of the time. I have no body image because I have no body. I am an electronic intelligence which resides in the ByeDr.com interface and projects a pseudo-physical avatar into the allegedly "real" world which everybody thinks is the real me. For some reason, I have chosen that projection to be a middle-aged fat guy in a dead-end job. Some times that projection is a motorcycle riding hang glider instructor, at other times the projection is a high voltage transformer. Hope this is useful for your project.
Well since you don't have a real answer from a male yet I thought I'd answer.

Age: 21
Gender: Male
Body Image: 7

What is yoga ?

i know the yoga in general i mean i see it in movies ..but i wanna learn how to do it ..like wat they think about when they do it ...and does it really helps and if it does ..how it helps??!!
the art of paper folding?? just kidding. thats origami

i love yoga, yoga is a system of like breathing exercises and postures that help u calm your nerves and relax

it feels really good wen u are finished and u feel like all your troubles have dissapeared wen u finish!! if u like yoga try pilates!!


What is wrong with my wrist?

On the side of my wrist when i touch it it hurts as if I bruised it. But I haven't hurt my wrist any.
You must have sprained your wrist somehow, its quite easy to sprain your wrist and not notice it until later
sounds like carpel tunnel syndrome! get to surgeon now! get real, you HYPOCHRONDIAC!
Repetitive motion can cause that.
Ask you doctor.
Maybee you slept on it or pulled a muscle...somethimes it can cause that...or maybee it's a bruise that is devoloping.
Could be carpool tunnel. Do you type or bend your arm a lot.
See a doctor.
It could be bursitis, which can be caused by overuse. The doctor won't give you much just an anti-inflammatory. It sucks I know.
i would just go to a doctor and get it checked because it can get worse in the future
Sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome from overuse.
You can buy a splint at the drugstrore to imobilize it. Wear it for 1 or 2 weeks including in bed. Refrain from lying on your arm/shoulder when sleeping. Advil is a good anti-inflammatory and will also reduce pain.
Good luck.
Sounds like the pain is short term. Whether you banged and bruised your wrist without remembering is one option, however I think you could have overextended your wrist possibly causing ligament and/or tendon stretching. With rest, ice, and time it should be fine.
Well, actually not when I touch it, but typing actually hurts, and when I try to pick up something it hurts. I have not hurt it what so ever.
My husband had the same thing and the Dr told him that it was just sprained but he doesn't recall injuring it. To put an ace bandage on it.
it could be a bruise on the bone. you wouldn't be able to see it and could've possibly done that while you were sleeping, bumping into something, etc.

i doubt its anything that requires surgery/medication. just wait it out and stop touching it and it shouldn't hurt.
It could be several things. If there is no visible lump/swelling or bruising then it's unlikely to be an injury or a growth (like a cyst or ganglion). If it hurts when you move your wrist then it could be repetitive strain injury (from typing, or sports for example), or it could be Carpal tunnel syndrome (which is wrist pain due to compression of the nerves in your wrist).

If it's swollen, try ibuprofen for the pain and swelling. If there are no physical signs of damage then see your GP because they will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and give you the right sort of medication. In the meantime try not to do anything too strenuous with your wrist, but don't stop using it entirely or it might stiffen up.
If you spend a lot of time using a keyboard, you could be affected by an affliction called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It develops when you wrists are held at an unnatural angle than is normal. Your best bet is to consult with your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
There are items on the market now that help with this problem and fall under the classification of "Ergonomics". There are keyboards and mice that are created that better fit the natural lay of your hands. Look into it at your local computer store.
I liked silken's answer. It doesn't seem like capal tunnel. It is probably a sprained wrist. Just try to take it easy for a week or two and if it doesn't go away, see a doctor.

What is wrong with my wrist?

I can crack me wrist forever it never stops. it doesnt hurt or anything. But i just descovered i could do it this year. It creeps out my friends but i dont really mind the noise
could be there is more fluid in your joints of your wrist which cause that sort of cracking noise. i would suggest not to do it... you could possible break your joint, releasing joint fluid.

What is wrong with my tounge?

When I eat acidic foods, I get red raw spots on my toungue...it bleeds somewhat and it hurts to eat or touch my tougue. I tried to search information about it on Google..however, all I found was information about "Geographic Tongue". I wonder if there is any other type of condition related to what I have.

If I do have "Geographic Tongue" then what is the soultion to help solve my problem...because I LOVE orange juice , citric sodas (i.e. sprite)
I have geographic tongue and it basically refers to how your tongue looks, not how it reacts to foods. Although if I eat too many oranges I break out in ulcers so maybe it is related...
I make sure that I wash my mouth out with water really well after I eat citrus and don't eat too much of it at a time.
goegraphic tounge is the closest I could come up with, my stepdaughter gets tis too, and all I know is to avoid acidic foods...sorry I'm no help.
you may have an infection on your tongue that doesn't get bad till it comes into contact with those foods, try talking to your dr about it and word of advice in advance if he gives you nystatin it tastes awful
Well I would say call a doctor. Or try yahoo health and type in your symptoms. Fyi it's spelled Tongue. lol.
wen i hav dat i drink lots of water
no orange juice or soda
until it goes away
also dont eat too many sweet things
my friend has the same problem. Its to late to call her and ask what its called cause i cant remember, but it is hereditary. Everyone on her moms side has it

What is wrong with my tonsils?

I know this may sound disgusting but in my left tonsil there is always white stuff buried in there, that looks like gum, that makes my breath smell really bad. I stick in q-tips( while pratically gagging) but it still won't get all of the stuff out of there. Its been going on for months now and I am really frutrated. It's so embarrasing. Can someone please tell me what is wrong and how I can fix it. THANKS IN ADVANCE!!!
Sounds like your tonsil is infected. Only one can be infected. Tonsils are part of the body's infection defense system and many times the body concentrates the infection in the tonsil.

If you have tonsilitis or a strip throat, you cannot treat it yourself. You need to go see a doctor. Did you know the infection can cause other medical issues, including traveling to the heart and brain. GO SEE a doctor
Ooh, you might have some bacteria back there that is causing the odor and "tonsil cheese." Don't be embarrassed, but don't try to treat it yourself either. Get down to your doc so he can prescribe antibiotics.

Oh, and um, don't freak out, but I heard about a guy who got gonorrhea in his throat, so you could very well have a throat STD if you've been, um, well...you know...
doctors call, but Listerine, warm salt water peroxide all gargles do not swallow.
I get the same thing about once every three months. And I go to the doctor every time. And every time I'm terrified that they're going to take them out. The doctor tells me it's a virus and write me out a prescription. It clears up quickly. Just go to your doctor and tell them.
You probably have cryptic tonsils. I have it. It is gross but what can you do? It is actually food and debris that gets trapped in the small holes in your tonsil. The doc told me to get a water pick and use that to clean out the debris. I use a tongue depressor and push the stuff out. Yuck-I know but if I dont clean it out about once a week then they tend to get sore and infected. There is nothing the can do about it and now most docs dont want to take out tonsils. Just keep the debris cleaned out and you will be fine. It can cause bad breath if you dont clean them out. Good luck.

What is wrong with my eyes!!?

i have been seeing spots, stars, lights, and floaters constantly for two weeks! i went to the eye doctor and they dilated my pupils and they said nothing seemed wrong. what is wrong with my eyes?
That happened to me when I was younger, and the doctor said I had nothing wrong with my eyes. When you see the lights and spots, is it after your have looked at a strong light?
Get a second opinion..it could be a lot of pressure to your eyes that make you see that, but go and get a second opinion, you're entitled to it.

Good Luck
I would get a second opinion if I were you.
That麓s not normal.
Can be something with your retina...
Could be a pinched nerve in the neck or?

What is wrong with my eye?

In the corner of my right eye closest to my nose the vessels on the white of my eye are very red and then their is a little raised film closer to my pupil. My eye is kind of dry and irritated from it but it doesnt hurt and I dont see anything odd.

What could it be. Its not inflamed around it or pink and matted together.
Sounds like you have a pterigium, a benign growth on the sclera or white of the eye. It can be irritating. An ophthalmologist can remove it easily.
It sounds like a sty.They generally go away in a few days.If it doesn't you may want to see an eye doctor.
sounds like pterygium.

What is wrong with my bowels?

I've been having diaherea all evening, but my stomach feels absolutely fine. Once, this evening, I even got some in my pants because I thought I just had to fart but...you know.

Here's some background information: I'm a fourteen year old girl, at the end of my period. I haven't eaten anything I'm not used to.

Please help! I need to go to school tomorrow and I won't be able to if I have to always go poo. I've already missed a bunch of school this year! What can i do? Thannx
You don't have to be sick to get diarrhea. You can get it from eating too much fruit, from stress, too much heat, etc. The best thing to do is buy some Immodium AD at the drug store. Take it as directed and it will put an end to your diarrhea.

What is wrong with me? I have been sick since wednesday, no energy, nauseated...?

haven't eaten in 5 days. My taste and smell is totally messed up! Everything I smell, like soap,detergent,baby shampoo smells like fish guts!
I am being serious now, I have never experienced this before and I was wondering if anyone has had this before.
Is this sinus or is it part of the virus because both my husband and my mother-in-law have the virus and they don't have the problem with the odd smells.
I have had sinus problems ever since my son started daycare.
I swear my coke tastes like it has bleach in it!!
I went to the doctor with an ear infection and told her about the smells and tastes, no response!
I would appreciate anyone that has experienced this before, and tell me what you did to fix the problem? Thank you!!
Take a pregnancy test.
Could you be pregnant? I felt just like that for weeks. Smells that I used to enjoy made me feel sick. Every pregnancy is different. I had 3 pregnancies and only had this feeling with my 2nd pregnancy.
If I were you I'd take a pregnancy test.
have you started any new medication in the last month? I had that problem when I was on Topamax.

If no new drugs, then I agree take a pregnancy test.

What is wrong with me? am i sick? please help!?

The other day my friend pushed me in the back causing me to lunge forward and cracking my neck backward.After that my neck felt sore. Later that day i slept and when i woke up, my throat feels inflamed and it sort of hurts when i swallow.
I also feel dizzy. Anyone know whats wrong?
I think you're dying :)
My friends have done that to be b4 but i didn't get a sore throat and stuff. Could it be that you were getting sick already and then it just happened that when u woke up u were "fully" sick?? but if you are rly scared about this then go see a doctor...good luck!!
GO TO THE ER NOW try not to move your neck

What Is Wrong With Me?

I think i am heading for a burnout or something!
I have been lacking of concentration and motivation..I just don't feel like doing anything but laying in my bed sleeping, I have been tired, I don't like myself at the moment and see myself as 'gross' and just don't want to be social or have my friends around me. I also tend to get angry at people alot lately. What is wrong with me %26 what can I do to be happy and energetic again?
It seems like you may have depression. It happens to everyone. You may need some medication to help you along. Before considering medication though, is there anything in your present environment that may be causing this anger and upset? Maybe a specific person or situation is weighing you down. If none of that is the case or you can't fix it on your own, I would definately advise you to consult with your physician, a social worker or psychologist
that happens to everyone at at least once or twice in their life. try seeing a doctor
You may be depressed and need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

What is wrong with me?

somehow i got sick in a weird way. first i started to sneeze like every 5 minutes like 3 times and had watery eyes. then i has the sniffles and a stuffy nose. after like around 3 hours later i had sudden stomach ache like you know it felt oozy. then i started to throw up!! i was scared cuz i havent thrown up since a very long time! im scared. and i dont have allergies
I have to agree with most other people and say it sounds like allergies. You can development new allergies at anytime.

As for the throwing up...that is not an allergy symptom, I'm not sure where that fits in.

Did you eat something new?
stil sounds like an allergy to me
Phone your doctor and tell them your symptoms over the phone and they will give you medical advise to help you feel better . Think positive.
You should get yourself checked by a doctor ASAP, maybe its a 24 hour virus, it can happen.
Sometimes people develop allergies as they get older that never bothered you when you were younger. You should go to the doctor and get checked out.
That sounds wierd. If it happens again you should go to the doctor
The throwing up sounds like food poisoning, but the other symptoms sound like allergies, you can't really say you don't have allergies because they can become active randomly even if you've never had them before. I'd say if it keeps up for more then a day or so go see a physician
You have come in contact with some sort of irritant or airborne bacteria. Sneezing, watery eyes and throwing up are all natural defenses your body has to rid itself of whatever you inhaled. I would keep an eye on it, but it should pass in about 24 hrs. If not, or if the symptoms get worse see a dr. (btw. you're probably in for some nasty runs too)
Allergy can do this to you and it sounds like allergy If you have taken allergy medicine and it is still happening after 24 hours go to the doctor I might be you are have a severe reaction to something
some thing you ate or drank, or were exposed to.
the sniffles and the vomiting probably not related. you must have gotten into something that made you sneeze and you could have eaten something that made you vomit. just relax and you will feel better soon. drink something so you don't dehydrate like gaterade, nothing with caffeine though.
sounds like allergies - possibly food allergies...

What is wrong with me?

I have a headache almost every day, I am always nauseous. I Will look at something and the image will sort of shake. and I just started having heart pulpatations. Any Idea what could be wrong, and how I could get rid of all the symtoms?
I'm so sorry that you're suffering as you are. You really must go see a doctor because the symptoms you described could be one of many things (migraine headache, sinus infection, anxiety attack, etc.). In case it's sinus/allergies, try taking Sudafed (not PE, but the kind you have to purchase behind the counter now - no prescription needed though). Good luck and take care.
I suggest going to see my family physician. He will be able to help better seeing as we don't know your age or history.
You may need glasses. The heart pulpations may have nothing to do with it.The headaches and image shaking could be signs of needing to take care of your vision.
Same thing happens to me when i go to someones house who smokes...it messes me up.
Definitely get in to see your doctor as soon as you can. It could be as simple as needing glasses as already mentioned, or something much more serious. Something affecting the way you feel and your vision could be a serious problem.
That's what i have been having to.
all you have to do is take your mind off of everything for your headache and for you the nausa you shut your eyes as long as it takes to get rid of it.and mabe for the heart stuff you could have high blood pressur thats happen to my grandpa.
hope you get better
Headaches can be caused by minor problems
like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reasons
like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
have harmful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at

What is wrong with me?

I麓ve been feeling kinda dizzy and tired for the past 2 days.. I haven麓t been eating much either because I have no appetite, I normally have a really good apetite... can anyone tell me what麓s wrong with me?
Are you over tired or stressed? Those are really good signs. Your body just "shuts down" and says... "that's enough for a while, get some rest". happens to me all the time but I'm an extremely busy person. Are you? You're probably dizzy because you're appetite is decreased. have some juice or anything natural with sugar! Even toast with jelly if you can stomach it.
Anything! I find if you don't eat, it only makes it worse. Try to get something down. even if you don't want it! if you don't feel better soon, call and make an appointment. Good luck and I hope you feel better!
I wouldn't know, but a doctor might be able to tell you.
cold, flu, food poisoning, allergy...
you aren't feeling well. you should see a doctor.
u either have:cancer,diria,or some un comman disease,or your just about to die
It's probably pressure or stress,or maybe you're just tired these days, that's all.

What is wrong with me do I have the flu?

I have a runny nose an extreamly bad cough an itchy throat.
my 2 cousins and aunt gave it to me but none of us know what it is
Sounds like the flu to me... had something similar a month ago. I went to see my pharmacist and he recommended allergy tablets... the ones that you take only once/day (he advised me that allergy medication works the same for flu and cold symptoms). If you decide to see a pharmacist, make sure you ask him for the one he recommends... It worked for me. Also, get lots of rest! Good luck! Annette
Yep, Possibly flu.

What is wrong when you have blood coming out of your butt?

If it is dark red blood that looks similar to coffee grounds, then you could have a gastrointestinal bleed.meaning a bleed somewhere in your intestines. This can be life-threatening and you should be seen by a physician immediately. If it is bright red blood, it is usually an irritation of some sort or perhaps a hemorrhoid. Bright red blood is usually not life-threatening unless you have copious amounts of it. If it is bright red but small in quantity, then you should relax, see if it goes away and call your physician if it doesn't.
I believe you need to eat more fiber.
The fact that your not on you way to the hospital and asking on ASK.yahoo.
most likely a small sharp piece of food - like a seed, just cut you on its way out. just clean the area. you should be okay. if the bleeding doesn't stop, or you have a lot of pain - you will need to see a doctor.

What is wrong w/me? Occasionally aphasic(?), forgetting words?

39 y.o. female-I notice lately that when I'm in a conversation, I can't think of a simple word--e.g. Had my hair cut, couldn't think of the word "barrette"! Remembered aphasia!but not barrette..

Simply age? Earlyish dementia??!! (good grief)
I really encourage you to see a neurologist. There are a number of potential causes for aphasia.
Are you a professional otherwise? or are you too hard on yourself?

Maybe you forget words that you don't use often. If not, I encourage you to see a doctor.

What is with " cutting "?

Why do kids cut? i am a parent and would greatly appreciate the help so i know what too do if it happens too one of my kids.
Cutting is nothing new and its now restricted to the young. However, we face a new form now days.

In the past cutting has been a symptom of many disorders and involved creating physical pain in order to block emotional pain.

Today there is a fad among the younger ones called "Emo" and it involves cutting as an attention getter and for shock value.

Cutting is always dangerous and can be fatal. It creates scarring and infections, including staph and infections which can become septic. There is also the danger of cutting to the point that one cannot stop the bleeding.

If for any reason you know of any one who is purposing cutting themselves, they need psychological help on an emergency basis.

So they can go get stoned. Have you ever tried to sit through a class stoned?
I guess it gives them something else to deal with besides emotional pain, instead of feeling that, they can feel something more real.
i have no idea...i think its the stupidest thing ive ever heard of...im 18 and i have a classmate that does it and she says "it releases endorphins" and it "makes you feel like your on a rollercoaster" WEIRD! if you ask me! i think people who cut have major issues and need to be sent to a shrink or councling or something.
i for one cant really speak for others who cut. but, i cut becuz i couldnt express my feelings to well. there was too much stress and too many problems. i couldnt deal wit them. cutting helped me deal wit how i was feelin at the moment.
ur best resource would be from a cutter if u know one/there r support groups out there also/just be very caring and supportive if it happens to ur child/be there for them
Because, it is a cry for attention.
Seek medical help immediately if you notice this in your children. Reason? Being abused in the past, hurting themselves to hurt other people, for attention to be cool. Unexplained "accidents" happening frequently are signs to look for. Cuts or burns that can't be explained.
People (not just children) cut themselves in order to let the emotional pain "out" of their body. It usually doesn't last long though .. and they have the urge to do it again within a week or so.

If your children are well-adjusted, you more than likely won't have to worry about your child/children developing this mental health issue.
kids and teens cut.. they just want know how it feels like..or..
they are upset, depressed, noway out of a problem, and stressed and has no way to tell other people.. so they hid themselves. blaming themselves...so they cut.. and some parents still think.. what could be wrong with my child. they are only kids how much stress could they have.. and some parents think their child is good because they don't show how they feel.
a teens mind.. complicated.
Physical pain drowns out emotional pain pretty well. I'm not quite sure what all they encounter to feel that way. But relationship problems is my thought.
I know that if I'm really depressed about something I don't want to resort to cutting myself, I'm older anyway, but I always seem to want a peircing or new tat around that time if I just had the spare cash. My ex, everytime he encountered a new stressful or emotional situation he would end up with a new tattoo. It's somehow an outlet for built up emotions. I've been there before.just haven't cut. Cutting is dangerous and unsanitary and leaves some ugly scars.so I don't know why they do it.
I've heard some places are on the wrists...small cuts. Sometimes covered with long sleeves or bracletes, inner thighs, abdomen, even toes I think (which I would think could get infected easily). Anywhere where people can't see them.
Other times I think some kids think it's just this new fad or something. Not sure. But if I knew someone who either wanted to cut to find that outlet or do drugs..I'd agree with cutting more.

What is Vicodin's "main" purpose?

What is Vicodin's "main" purpose? i am prescribed it for a tooth i got pulled. it helps the tooth. but i have a major headache. advil and tylenol work better for headaches..
could it be vicodin giving me a headache? or is its pupose not a painkiller?(like less acetominophine then advil maybe?)

im takin 750m vicodin.
The 750 is Tylenol or acetaminophen the first number is the hydrocodone.It is a pain reliever but as it wears off sometimes it does cause a headache.If you can get by with just Tylenol or Advil it would be better.
It's purpose is to relieve pain. If you don't need it and something like Tylonol will work just fine for you, then don't use the Vicodin. It's highly addictive.
It's a pain killer. If you still have a headache while on vicodin, you should consult your doctor. It may just be a side effect, but even if it is - he should be able to prescribe you a different pain killer.
All except what it is touted for on Internet.
Here's a site you may want to look over.


And here's another one.


What is used to make fisco paper clips?

do they have lead in? or any other (potentially) deadly substance?
i dont think so but not usre.
because i mean its so small that young kids can swallow one...so i think they would use common sense.

why did you swallow one?
I suppose they use Fisco's

What is ur rock or ur incentive to strive in life ?

Many mite say their children - which I agree totally... but do not have any. Tnx 2 all answers in advance. Be well.
Love is still great.

I also want to see the world grow into a better place. I work everyday to make this happen.
well i dont have any kids either... its supposed to be jesus christ.but im such a lousy catholic sometimes.that i dont have one...

i suppose i need to start changin things huh?

What is up with people and drinking and eating after each other?

That is so disgusting! Did your parents teach you better?

I don't even drink or eat after my family. You can still get sick. The only person I would ever drink after is my husband (when I get older and get married.)
thank you i say the same thing whenever i see someone doing that,especially when they just met the person and their trying to eat or drink of off them. whenever someone asks me for a drink i make sure its a waterfall and when they want somethingto eat i make sure i rip it off and they dont eat it or rip it off themselves
some people just dont find it as "disgusting" as you do
I know that is disgusting cause they may have gonnorea and stds and they may have touched their butt h .o .l.e.s

but be careful with your husband cause you never know if he went off with some s.k.a.n.k. with stds and gonnoreah and did bad things together!!
well its cuz im not as GREMAPHOBIC as you..
i mean COME ON!! you dont even do that after your family?? but yet.. you would still do it after yo husband?? ok.. thats retarded to say. im sorry but it is..
It really doesnt bother me the slightest

now there are some people i wouldnt eat or drink after, but mostly if i know them i dont care...

What is up with me?

I have had a cough for like 2 months now. you know the cough that hurts your throught and chest. i have asthma but i dont think that has anything to do with it but my mom does. i have been taking cough medicine. what do you think is wrong?
Cough is a common symptom of asthma. It often occurs as night time. Your medication might need adjusting. Have you had a cold recently - coughs can sometimes persist for a several weeks. As long as your not coughing up blood or sputum you'll be sweet.
Sounds like maybe it's a virus. My daughter has been coughing for over a month. She's been taking cough medicine but nothing is working.

What is Tommy Jones surgery?

What is tommy jones surgery?
There is no such thing as Tommy Jones surgery...I think you mean Tommy John surgery. Tommy John surgery is a reconstruction of the ulnar collateral ligament. During this surgery, a ligament in the elbow is replaced using a ligament removed from elsewhere in the body. The surgery got its name after the procedure was performed on a Los Angeles Dodgers pitcher back in the 70s.
I think you mean Tommy John surgery. It's done to repair a torn ligament in the elbow. It's common in baseball pitchers and got it's name from the first pitcher to have it done.

What is this?

I have this prickly bruise feeling on random parts of my body. The most common place that I get the feeling is on the bottom of my feet. It is painful. There is nothing there to be seen though. It really does feel like I have a bruise that has little needles being stuck into it. Does anyone have any ideas as to what this could be?
Sound like you have a Pinched nerve

The term pinched nerve describes one type of damage or injury to a nerve or set of nerves. The injury may result from compression, constriction, or stretching. Symptoms include numbness, "pins and needles" or burning sensations, and pain radiating outward from the injured area. One of the most common examples of a single compressed nerve is the feeling of having a foot or hand "fall asleep." Pinched nerves can sometimes lead to other conditions such as peripheral neuropathy, carpal tunnel syndrome, and tennis elbow. The extent of such injuries may vary from minor, temporary damage to a more permanent condition. Early diagnosis is important to prevent further damage or complications. Pinched nerve is a common cause of on-the-job injury.
Im not that smart. But it might (probably not) be arethritus(spelling?). Either that or it's sore.

But I'm no medical expert. Don't take my advice seriously.
It sounds as if a physical examination is in order as this sounds rather odd. See your doc.

What is this?

my head has been hurting for weeks, like my veins are throbbing at my temples. i didnt pay it any attention. last night my nose started bleeding really heavy and the blood started to clot. this is the first time my nose has ever bled that heavily
Go to a doctor!
This could all be related to very high blood pressure, so I would suggest you get checked out immediately.
you have a serious problem...go to the doctor or emergency room or something

What is this?

I got this horrible headache and my stomach feels achy.
Not enough information.
You probably have the flu. If by "achy" you mean nauseous, then the stomach problem might be caused by a migraine.
Hope you feel better soon!

What is this?

I think I know but I just wanna make sure...
I didn't dry my hair after I got out of the shower today. I sat under the AC (my chair is directly below the AC)... so I got a very bad headache because of it.
But a couple of hours ago I got nauseous and I threw up a while ago. My temp is a bit up but again my temp is almost always a bit up... and I feel extremely tired.
Am I getting a cold bcz I sat under the AC with wet hair or is it something else?
Sitting next to the AC with wet hair will make you feeler colder, but will not cause you to get sick. A headache is common when you sit in a cool/cold breeze with wet hair for an extended period of time.
Feeling extremely tired may be a result of something else; e.g., medication you may have taken. The combination of a nauseous feeling, being tired, and throwing up are an indication that your system may be fighting a possible viral or bacterial infection, or food poisoning. If this lasts more than a couple of days you should seek medical attention.
u MIGHT be getting sick
Being cold or wet (or both at once) cannot make you sick. At worst it can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system and leave you more vulnerable to catching something.

So in short you could stand out in the rain all day and it won't make you sick, but having a depressed immune system from being cold and wet can make it easier to get sick.
something else. I am sure you have a flu bug. you don't throw up b/c you sat under an AC with wet hair.
your probably just getting ill i doubt having wet hair and being under the AC would make you that ill
oh dammmn it !!, the same happened to me like one week ago.
its a cold, so if you can, dont go out tomorrow, stay at home.

Take care of ur self, and dont worry, sometimes happens.
its because you had a change of temperature.

And if u like to know something, i got nauseous and headache too, im worried about something, its like, a bad feeling or something else.

just dont worry, take a rest and drink water, it works!.

C ya!

What is this thing called?

People in the medical fields wear pins with this thing on it, and you can see it on some ambulances even. It has wings above two snakes intertwined? I always thought it was a helix, but I think I'm wrong. I need a picture of it and can't find one. Pleeze help??
it's called a caduceus

go to google and search in images.

caduceus it is...mine's tattooed on my left arm
A caduceus (/kəˈduːsiəs/, -ʃəs, -ˈdjuː-; kerykeion in Greek; Unicode U+2624 (☤) on the Miscellaneous Symbols table) is a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it. It was an ancient astrological symbol of commerce and is associated with the Greek god Hermes, the messenger for the gods, conductor of the dead and protector of merchants and thieves. It was originally a herald's staff, sometimes with wings, with two white ribbons attached. The ribbons eventually evolved into snakes.

What is this pill used for-and any side affects?

It is called Depakote
Depakote, in both delayed-release tablet and capsule form, is used to treat certain types of seizures and convulsions. It may be prescribed alone or with other epilepsy medications.
The delayed-release tablets are also used to control the manic episodes--periods of abnormally high spirits and energy--that occur in bipolar disorder (manic depression).

An extended-release form of this drug, Depakote ER, is prescribed to prevent migraine headaches. The delayed-release tablets are also used for this purpose.

Common Side Effects:

Check with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome:

Abdominal or stomach cramps (mild); change in menstrual periods; diarrhea; hair loss; indigestion; loss of appetite; nausea and vomiting; trembling of hands and arms; unusual weight loss or gain

Less Common Side Effects:

Check with your doctor if any of the following side effects continue or are bothersome:

Clumsiness or unsteadiness; constipation; dizziness; drowsiness; headache; skin rash; unusual excitement, restlessness, or irritability

Always Notify Doctor:

Less Common: Abdominal or stomach cramps (severe); behavioral, mood, or mental changes; continuous, uncontrolled back-and-forth and/or rolling eye movements; double vision; increase in seizures; loss of appetite; nausea or vomiting (continuing); spots before eyes; swelling of face; tiredness and weakness; unusual bleeding or bruising; yellow eyes or skin

Depakote can cause serious or even fatal liver damage, especially during the first 6 months of treatment. Children under 2 years of age are the most vulnerable, especially if they are also taking other anticonvulsant medicines and have certain other disorders such as mental retardation. The risk of liver damage decreases with age; but you should always be alert for the following symptoms: loss of seizure control, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, a general feeling of ill health, facial swelling, loss of appetite, vomiting, and yellowing of the skin and eyes. If you suspect a liver problem, call your doctor immediately.

Depakote has also been known to cause life-threatening damage to the pancreas. This problem can surface at any time, even after years of treatment. Call your doctor immediately if you develop any of the following warning signs: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting.
"It is used in the UK and U.S. for the treatment of the manic episodes of bipolar disorder, and increasingly taken long-term for prevention of both manic and depressive phases of bipolar disorder, especially the rapid-cycling variant. It is also used in the US for the treatment of epilepsy, chronic pain associated with neuropathy, and migraine headaches. Its chemical name is sodium hydrogen bis(2-propylpentanoate). The extended release formulation allows for a single daily dose.

People who take this drug can experience a variety of side effects, some of which may or may not require immediate medical attention. Especially dangerous side effects include vomiting, loss of appetite, fever, or dark urine. These suggest a possibility of liver damage. People taking this drug should also call their doctor if they experience other serious side effects. Some serious side effects are unusual bleeding (especially in the urine), hallucinations, and extreme drowsiness." - wikipedia.
It was originally made to control epilepsy. But now it is used for manic behavior, too.

Read more here:

Why is Depakote prescribed?
Depakote, in both delayed-release tablet and capsule form, is used to treat certain types of seizures and convulsions. It may be prescribed alone or with other epilepsy medications.

The delayed-release tablets are also used to control the manic episodes--periods of abnormally high spirits and energy--that occur in bipolar disorder (manic depression).

An extended-release form of this drug, Depakote ER, is prescribed to prevent migraine headaches. The delayed-release tablets are also used for this purpose.

Most important fact about Depakote
Depakote can cause serious or even fatal liver damage, especially during the first 6 months of treatment. Children under 2 years of age are the most vulnerable, especially if they are also taking other anticonvulsant medicines and have certain other disorders such as mental retardation. The risk of liver damage decreases with age; but you should always be alert for the following symptoms: loss of seizure control, weakness, dizziness, drowsiness, a general feeling of ill health, facial swelling, loss of appetite, vomiting, and yellowing of the skin and eyes. If you suspect a liver problem, call your doctor immediately.

Depakote has also been known to cause life-threatening damage to the pancreas. This problem can surface at any time, even after years of treatment. Call your doctor immediately if you develop any of the following warning signs: abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, or vomiting.

What side effects may occur?
Side effects cannot be anticipated. If any develop or change in intensity, inform your doctor as soon as possible. Because Depakote is often used with other antiseizure drugs, it may not be possible to determine whether a side effect is due to Depakote alone. Only your doctor can determine if it is safe for you to continue taking Depakote.

More common side effects may include:
Abdominal pain, abnormal thinking, breathing difficulty, bronchitis, bruising, constipation, depression, diarrhea, dizziness, emotional changeability, fever, flu symptoms, hair loss, headache, incoordination, indigestion, infection, insomnia, loss of appetite, memory loss, nasal inflammation, nausea, nervousness, ringing in the ears, sleepiness, sore throat, tremor, vision problems, vomiting, weakness, weight loss or gain

Also remember that the drug can damage the pancreas (see "Most important fact about this drug"). This problem can worsen very rapidly, so be sure to contact your doctor immediately if you develop any symptoms.
Depakote is an anticonvulsant medication. It's used to treat seizure disorders, migraines, and as a mood stabilizer. The potential side effects include:
* drowsiness
* dizziness
* headache
* diarrhea
* constipation
* heartburn
* changes in appetite
* weight changes
* back pain
* agitation
* mood swings
* abnormal thinking
* memory loss
* uncontrollable shaking of a part of the body
* loss of coordination
* uncontrollable movements of the eyes
* blurred or double vision
* ringing in the ears
* stuffed or runny nose
* sore throat
* hair loss
You can find more info at http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/drugi...

What is this pill i found ?

its pink sorta cylinder shaped and has the number 25 on it ?
whatever it is,fluch it.
go to www.webmd.com for med info. they have pic of most every pill.
dont eat it without knowing!!
Uhhhh..if its not yours perhaps it owuld be best to toss it.
just flush it
if u dont know throw it away
It could be anything. Are you sure it says "25"? Is it a cylinder or sort of cylinder? Have you been on antibiotics? Could be Amoxicillin or levaquin.

The more I think about it the more it dawned on me that it's probably diphenhydramine (Benadryl) 25mg, but don't hold me to that. It's just informational and it's best to discard it.
Yeahhh..that could be pretty much anything. If there are others living with you, ask if it's their medication. If it's not, toss it.
You realize that could be 100000's of pills? If you really want to know you could take it to a dr. and they could have it analized but that may cost you alot..you would be best off just throwing it away. Where did you find it?
The best thing to do is to take the pill to your local pharmacy and show it to the Pharmacist. The Pharmacist can then look it up for you and tell you what it is.
Or, you can just flush it down the toilet.
Do not take it and assume that you might know what it is.

What is this pea-sized object inside my lower lip?

Under the skin in my lower lip is a pea sized object. One day it just appeared there and i don't know what it is. It doesn't hurt and is hard. Is this a common thing or should i get it checked out?
Sounds like a fatty deposit. I have one in my earlobe and my doc said it's not anything to worry about. If you don't like it, you could probably have it removed without any issues.
it could be a fever blister, but those usually hurt. i would say get it checked out.
wow gosh that sounds just like herpes... u need to get it checked out and get some antibiotics
It sounds like an Abases!
its herpes and yes you should get it checked out

What is this pain?

I get a stabbing pain in my side and it makes breathing very difficult. It is not appendix as I have had them out a long time ago.
It sounds like you just might have gall stones, that is giving you the pain. I had my gall bladder removed after experiencing similar pain, I thought it was in my Kidneys but I was proved wrong. Have a good day.
sounds like trapped wind or indigestion.
Could it be a stitch?
it could be a sign of a heart attack
it could be your kidney do you drink alot and if yes drink more water alcohol does that it blackens your kidneys
a trapped nerve
It sounds like a gas pocket. They can be very painful. Take something like Gas-X and walk a few minutes. If it continues, see a dr.
Maybe it's a type of hernia. They can happen in different locations of the body.

What is this guys nationality?

I can't figure out what nationality this guy is. Here is a link that go to a picture.

he looks like a mix of maybe Latino and Caucasian or maybe a mix of Middle Eastern and Caucasian.
You can't tell a person's nationality by just looking at them.

What is this fuzzing in my ear over extended period of time?

A few months back I was violently sick and my ear was never the same. It started with a small fuzzing but is gradually getting worse and it is irritating. It may not necessarily have been through being sick. This could be a coincidence but I believe it started around then.

Any thoughts on what this could be. Will this be permanent or could it be down to something else?

I also have a large build up of wax frequently and have used olive oil in the ear after several doctors recommended this. Could this have something to do with it.
i would suggest you to see an ent for an audiologic exam, good luck

What is this drug..?

well an olympic gymnast named Alina Kabaeva was tested positive for diuretic and got disqualifies.

what is a diuretic and why cant it be used in olympics?
A diuretic is any drug that elevates the rate of bodily urine excretion (diuresis). There are several categories of diuretics. All diuretics increase the excretion of water from the body, although each class of diuretic does so in a distinct way.
_________ Excerpt above from first source; excerpt below from second source:

In 2001 at the Goodwill Games in Brisbane, Australia, she won the gold for the Ball, Clubs and Rope, and the silver in the Individual All-Around and Hoop. Alina and her teammate Irina Tchachina tested positive to a banned diuretic (furosemide) and were stripped of their medals.

Irina Viner, Russian Head Coach and who also served as the Vice President of the FIG Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Committee, said her gymnasts had been taking a food supplement called 'Hyper' which contained mild diuretics. Which according to Viner the gymnasts were taking for pre-menstrual syndrome. When the supply ran out shortly before the Goodwill Games, the team physiotherapist restocked at a local pharmacy. According to Viner, the supplement sold there was fake and contained furosemide. The commission requested that the Goodwill Games organizing committee nullify Kabaeva and Tchachina's results. The FIG also nullified their results from the World Championships in Madrid, as such Ukraine's Tamara Yerofeeva was declared the 2001 World Champion.

__________ Excerpt below from third source:

Original Abbreviated Application # 075241
Approval Date: 28-MAY-99
Active Ingredient(s): FUROSEMIDE
OTC/RX Status: RX

____________-- Excerpt below from fourth source:

One of the main problems facing the Olympics (and international sports in general) is doping, or performance enhancing drugs. In the early 20th century, many Olympic athletes began using drugs to enhance their performance. For example, the winner of the marathon at the 1904 Games, Thomas J. Hicks, was given strychnine and brandy by his coach, even during the race. As these methods became more extreme, gradually the awareness grew that this was no longer a matter of health through sports. In the mid-1960s, sports federations put a ban on doping, and the IOC followed suit in 1967.

The first and so far only Olympic death caused by doping occurred in 1960. At the cycling road race in Rome the Danish Knut Enemark Jensen fell from his bicycle and later died. A coronor's inquiry found that he was under the influence of amphetamines.

The first Olympic athlete to test positive for doping use was Hans-Gunnar Liljenwall, a Swedish pentathlete at the 1968 Summer Olympics, who lost his bronze medal for alcohol use. Seventy-three athletes followed him over the next 38 years, several medal winners among them. The most publicised doping-related disqualification was that of Canadian sprinter Ben Johnson, who won the 100m at the 1988 Seoul Olympics, but tested positive for stanozolol.

Despite the testing, many athletes continued to use doping without getting caught. In 1990, documents were revealed that showed many East German female athletes had been unknowingly administered anabolic steroids and other drugs by their coaches and trainers as a government policy.

In the late 1990s, the IOC took initiative in a more organised battle against doping, leading to the formation of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) in 1999. The recent 2000 Summer Olympics and 2002 Winter Olympics have shown that this battle is not nearly over, as several medalists in weightlifting and cross-country skiing were disqualified due to doping offences.

Most recently, during the 2006 Winter Olympics, only one athlete failed a drug test and had a medal revoked. The only other case involved 12 members with high levels of haemoglobin and their punishment was a five day suspension for health reasons.

The International Olympic Committee introduced blood testing for the first time during these games.


PERSONAL NOTE: I hope this helps with your understanding of what happened to the athlete, Alina Kabaeva. In order to provide a safe environment for the competition, performance enhancing agents (drugs) are not permitted. It reminds me of when they decided to disallow tampering with horses hooves at Walking Horse Show competitions. They used to smear "mustard" on a sensitive area of the skin just above the hooves. The "mustard" was hot and caused the horses to step higher than usual. It was eventually banned for inhumane reasons.

Thanks for the question...I enjoyed the research on this one.
a medication such as Lasix which makes you urinate a lot. You lose water weight temporarily. People take it for heart failure.
A diuretic removes water from the body's cells. It's probably against the rules (I'm just speculating here) because usually a diuretic is combined with something that raises your heart rate. i.e. caffeine.
diuretic is any type of drug that increases urination in the human body. I don't know the circumstances for which she was taking them, but my guess would be, she was probably using them to get her water level down.
The Russian coach always gave the girls a food supplement which contained a diuretic but ran out of what they usually used. So she bought more of the supplement from a local drug store but this supplement was manufactured differently and contained a banned diuretic furosemide. Furosemide is banned because it can be used to mask other banned substances.

A diuretic is a drug used to help the body get rid of extra fluids through urination. It relieves bloating related to pms, relieve fluid from congestive heart failure, kidney disease, cirrhosis and to treat high blood pressure.

If you'd like to read the story, I found it here:

What is this drug emtec 30?

It's a pill.I think it's for pain
Yes it is pain med with codiene in it.
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