Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is wrong with my wrist?

On the side of my wrist when i touch it it hurts as if I bruised it. But I haven't hurt my wrist any.
You must have sprained your wrist somehow, its quite easy to sprain your wrist and not notice it until later
sounds like carpel tunnel syndrome! get to surgeon now! get real, you HYPOCHRONDIAC!
Repetitive motion can cause that.
Ask you doctor.
Maybee you slept on it or pulled a muscle...somethimes it can cause that...or maybee it's a bruise that is devoloping.
Could be carpool tunnel. Do you type or bend your arm a lot.
See a doctor.
It could be bursitis, which can be caused by overuse. The doctor won't give you much just an anti-inflammatory. It sucks I know.
i would just go to a doctor and get it checked because it can get worse in the future
Sounds like carpal tunnel syndrome from overuse.
You can buy a splint at the drugstrore to imobilize it. Wear it for 1 or 2 weeks including in bed. Refrain from lying on your arm/shoulder when sleeping. Advil is a good anti-inflammatory and will also reduce pain.
Good luck.
Sounds like the pain is short term. Whether you banged and bruised your wrist without remembering is one option, however I think you could have overextended your wrist possibly causing ligament and/or tendon stretching. With rest, ice, and time it should be fine.
Well, actually not when I touch it, but typing actually hurts, and when I try to pick up something it hurts. I have not hurt it what so ever.
My husband had the same thing and the Dr told him that it was just sprained but he doesn't recall injuring it. To put an ace bandage on it.
it could be a bruise on the bone. you wouldn't be able to see it and could've possibly done that while you were sleeping, bumping into something, etc.

i doubt its anything that requires surgery/medication. just wait it out and stop touching it and it shouldn't hurt.
It could be several things. If there is no visible lump/swelling or bruising then it's unlikely to be an injury or a growth (like a cyst or ganglion). If it hurts when you move your wrist then it could be repetitive strain injury (from typing, or sports for example), or it could be Carpal tunnel syndrome (which is wrist pain due to compression of the nerves in your wrist).

If it's swollen, try ibuprofen for the pain and swelling. If there are no physical signs of damage then see your GP because they will be able to make an accurate diagnosis and give you the right sort of medication. In the meantime try not to do anything too strenuous with your wrist, but don't stop using it entirely or it might stiffen up.
If you spend a lot of time using a keyboard, you could be affected by an affliction called Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It develops when you wrists are held at an unnatural angle than is normal. Your best bet is to consult with your doctor for a proper diagnosis.
There are items on the market now that help with this problem and fall under the classification of "Ergonomics". There are keyboards and mice that are created that better fit the natural lay of your hands. Look into it at your local computer store.
I liked silken's answer. It doesn't seem like capal tunnel. It is probably a sprained wrist. Just try to take it easy for a week or two and if it doesn't go away, see a doctor.

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