Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What is your favorite internal organ?

I'm debating between my heart and my brain.
I'm fond of my left kidney.
I happen to have problems with my stomach, so I should say that my favorite internal organ is my spleen.
Someone already chose spleen.
Gee, never thought about that one before! I don't know!
I think the brain rocks.
I like skin...it keeps the outsides out and it keeps the insides in...I like skin..black, brown, yellow or purple no matter what colour it's in..I like skin

edit: oops your question said internal.I'm sorry

so I guess for my internal organ I would have to say the liver..because it can make spots on your skin or turn your skin yellow or if you lose your liver it makes your skin rot away because you are dead. also the liver is so cool because it is the only organ other than the skin that can regenerate itself so you can cut out a piece and more will grow back.
I never thought about a favorite internal organ, but my least favorite is my spine, now that it has bolts.

What's your favorite
small instestine

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